The Time Machine
Photo by Linda, 19, Ukraine
Sometimes tiny insignificant things have the power to create the most moving lasting memories.
Like a time machine they transport us back to a moment in the past when we see, hear and feel again what we did then. Only this time there is so much more there...
Most of the time we have no clue what small details, objects and places will have this effect on us until we stumble upon them in a photograph months if not years later, when they just grab us by the throat and we are suddenly struck by the unexpected emotional response they evoke. ⠀⠀
And of course it’s not the thing you thought was special and important at the time...⠀
That’s one of the many gifts of photography.
Learner’s Tip📸
Create memories, like Linda who captured a fragment of her little sister’s world beautifully.
Just photograph something you take for granted as it’s always there and you didn’t have to get up in the middle of the night or travel to exotic places or use special techniques to capture it. Just put these photos to one side for later and let the time do its thing. ⠀⠀
Try not to think too much, don’t snob what seems not cool/original enough right now. You will be surprised by what made you feel glad you caught it. Trust your instinct and create your future archive now.⠀