Photographing Togetherness
Photo by Mia Barnett, 16, USA
How do you express, let alone photograph, togetherness? That multitude that feels as one, its unified spirit and bond?
We all know that photography is wonderful at capturing those priceless fleeting moments and emotions, freezing and passing them on for us to dip into and savour again and again, but having a camera in your hands doesn’t guarantee success.
Even if you are at the midsts of the most wonderful experience, that special quality that says it all without words might still elude you...
So what else is needed other than being in the right place at the right time?
I want to say Instinct + Decisiveness.
That sense of urgency inside you that tells you where to look and when to press the shutter + your clarity and courage to actually do it. A few split seconds later the moment is gone and even if you try to bring it back or stage it, it will not have the same energy.
The most beautiful photos I have ever seen are the ones I almost took... some of them still live in my head and haunt me.
Learner’s Tip 📸
I absolutely love the grittiness of it all and the messiness of the hands in this rich image by Mia.
Notice how all gestures are slightly different, not orchestrated or timed - Mia managed to capture a sense of spontaneity, movement and aliveness beautifully. And of course the diagonals make the image even stronger, visually more grounded and easier to digest.
Notice also how black and white suits this photo perfectly - the colour in the clothing, the grass and even the difference in skin tones could be distracting. Instead all we are seeing is the wonderfully gritty texture. ⠀⠀